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About Us

Tending to your needs effortlessly

Our team uses cutting-edge technologies and products like transmission oil purifier and electrostatic oil purifier to remove contaminants and extend the life of your valuable oils. From transformer oils to turbine oils, we ensure your machinery operates at peak performance, reducing downtime and maximizing efficiency up to an impressive scale.


Years of


Understanding the assignment clearly

With our comprehensive understanding of manufacturing processes, we tailor solutions to ensure that your production lines are enhanced as well as the output is optimized as per your needs.

Inimitable custom oil purification solution

We collaborate closely with you to understand your specific requirements, tailoring custom solutions that perfectly align with your needs. We make sure your machinery is well-conditioned and has a prolonged life.




Electrostatic Oil Purifier (EOP)

The ideal product to remove solid contaminants and improve the quality of hydraulic oil

Low Temperature Vacuum Dehydration System (LTVDS)

An effective tool that proficiently separates moisture content from natural gas.

Hyper Oil Purification System (HOPS)

As the name suggests, this product gives you dry and clean oil every time.

Mini Filter

The most suitable product for filtering both cooking and edible oils.